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dAdB dCdD dEdF dGdH dIdJ dKdL dMdN dOdP dQdR dSdT dUdV dWdX dYdZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
STU-LAB digital 2000 9
STUDIO digital +squares 42
SUMO digital 9
TANASEN digital 9
TANGERINE digital 9, 16, 41, 42
TECHNOSAT digital satellite 38
TIKONA digital networks 42
ULTRA digital 41
VOLTONZ digital 9
VOX digital living 9
WESTERN digital 9
WIPRO digital 42
WWDD world wide digital 45
Z ZAPAK digital entertainme 9
ZAPAK digital entertainment 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42
darling digital world 35
k PHOTOS digital lab 9
one digital 38, 42
pure digital experience +ey 25, 35
qv digital 9
t tau flat digital GIGA 9
toyo digital weighing scale 9
DW digitally wow! 7
DE digitech computer 41
DICT digitech 9
KBI digitel +square 9
YOU digivision 35
OXO dignity 25
SANTA MARIA design dignity 25
CHANDRA dignostic centre 44
90 +digrees 34
dil khush 31
dilbag ACTION gutkha 31
dilbagh HEAT gutkha +lamps 31
ETC aakhir dilhai hindustan 9
NIET diligence we flourish 16
dilip OAKS academy +bird 16
HR hari ram dilip kumar 14
THE GOURMET'S dilivery 43
dilkash +portrait 34
dilkash FOHARA +fountain 31
dilkhush +heart & face 33
BROOKE BOND dilkhush 30
BROOKE BOND dilkhush +hart 30
SONA dilkhush 30
dilkush +woman 34
dilkush special +woman 34
HARI dilkush tobacco 34
dillagi SUPARI 27
dilli AAJTAK 38
dilli TALKIES 38
dilli haveli 32
JD dilli SWEET SUPARI +hear 34
JD dilli sweet supari +hear 31
SWAGAT dilli 31, 34
WAH dilli 16, 30
YUMMI dilli +square 43
old dilli +arcs & square 43
ECO BOOST emulsion diluter 2
RELIANCE dilwale 42
CHARAK'S dimaagwala 5
DH dimag hospital 5, 16
ROSHAN dimag +woman & trees 5
RASASHRAM dimagdoshantale 5
rogan dimage rahat 5
rogan dimage rahat PARAS 5
SKY dimagh plus 5
REX'S dimaghi +square 5
REX'S dimaghi brain tonic 5
dimensions architects +star 42
dimensions online +oval 25
ADDING dimensions 16, 41
DUNHILL dimensions +squares 34
info dimensions +oval & arc 9
dimensons online 25
NAGARJUNA dimethoate 5
smart dimmer +sun & oval 9
365 din +spiral 41
BC-din 5
CD STREET WEAR charagh din 25
SUNNIS har din utsav +circl 30
VASU rath aur din 3
RAPTORS +dinasour 41
super DINASOUR +dinasour 19
dindigul ANIL APPALAM 30
BLACK PEPPER fine dine 43
CAPITAL CURRY fine dine 42
KHANDANI fine dine 42
MAJJLIS a fine dine +shield 35
MANSAB fine dine +flower 43
DOSA diner +oval 32, 33
ROCK N ROLL diner 29
ROCKVILLE bar & diner 43
dinesh +arrows & drops 24
dinesh DHPL 1
DURWANKUR dining hall 29
ELEVEN fine dining +squares 43
JALIYAN banquets & dining 43
KORMASUTRA fine dining 43
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